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58 articles
Hyatt Users: How to Add a New User
Hyatt Users: How to Login via Single Sign-On (SSO)
Grouping Contacts by "Birthday Month"
"That page isn't here anymore" Error Message
URL Shortening in Medallia Concierge
Phone Number Format in Medallia Concierge
Opt-In Status Table
Medallia Concierge Chat Widget Customization
Messaging Inhouse Guests
Message Delivery - Unknown Destination Handset
Channel Blocked Error Code
(#10) This person isn't available right now.
(#551) This person isn't available right now.
To' number is not a valid mobile number
The concatenated message body exceeds the 1600 character limit
Permission to send an SMS has not been enabled for the region indicated by the 'To' number
MMS has not been enabled for your account
The 'From' number has not been enabled for MMS messaging
Message Delivery - Queue overflow
Invalid Phone Number
Message Delivery - Message blocked
Limitations sending SMS messages to Indian mobile devices
Message Delivery - Unknown error
Message Delivery - Carrier violation
Restricted SMS message types using Medallia Concierge
Message Delivery - Unreachable Destination Handset
How Does Carrier Filtering Work?
Message Delivery - Landline or unreachable carrier
What is a CSV?
How do I delete a message?
Inbound Phone Call Replying and Forwarding
Can I create a group chat in Medallia Concierge?
Delete a Tag or Segment
Why does Medallia Concierge split long messages?
Why do texts to Medallia Concierge turn green?
Can I attach a PDF to a message?
Create a New Tag
Show Detailed Events
Internal Notes
Zing Suggestion (Keyword & AI)
View & Export Invoices
Manage Billing Contacts
Multi-Channel Communication
Merging Contacts
How do I import my contacts?
Blue dots vs Red dots
What's the difference between Segments and Tags?
How do I export a conversation
How do I see my sent messages?
Can I text internationally?
What are customer Opt Out words that are recognized by Medallia Concierge?
Let your customers text you from your website
How many messages can I send at one time?
Hyatt Mobile Login Process
Scheduled Messages