For Professional or Enterprise Medallia Concierge users, set up Zings to handle inbound phone calls to your Medallia Concierge phone number.
Start by navigating to the Zings pane, select Zing Marketplace and search for "phone call."
Call Forwarding
To forward the caller to another phone line, select "Inbound Phone Call Forwarding" and edit the "Forward Phone Call" action to input the line you'd like to forward to. Save the Zing and turn it on to enable it in your service.
Automated Message
To set up an automated message to be read to any inbound caller, select "Inbound Phone Call Auto-reply." Edit the "Say Something" action to customize your message and select the voice to use.
An optional text message can also be configured to reply to the mobile device of the contact.
To see if your existing landline can be enabled for texting, contact your Customer Success Manager.