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Integration FAQs

Frequently asked questions about Medallia Concierge's integration system behaviors

Updated over 2 years ago

Can two different contacts have the same phone number in Medallia Concierge?

  • No, we only set one unique channel value for one contact within a service

  • This means no two contacts will ever have the same phone number (or any other channel value, such as email or Facebook ID, etc)

  • If there are two contacts being imported with the same phone number, the last contact we receive will “win” and get the phone number (or channel value)

When a phone number for a contact is updated in an external system (eg. a PMS or a CRM), what happens to that phone number on the Medallia Concierge contact?

  • If a contact already exists in Medallia Concierge with a phone number, and the phone number record gets updated in the external system, the next time the contact gets updated in Medallia Concierge, we create a NEW phone number as the default and leave the existing number untouched. Two phone numbers will exist for the same contact.

  • We don’t “delete” old phone numbers from Medallia Concierge contacts. They remain visible as a channel option until manually removed from Medallia Concierge.

For CSV updates, what happens if I add a new column to an existing (mapped) integration?

  • Previously, we would throw an error and stop the integration until the mapping is resolved

  • Now (as of the Salesforce release [date here]), we simply ignore the new column. Syncing will continue and a customer can simply update the mapping of the new column.

  • It wouldn’t matter if the columns are out of order or changed in order - as long as the column names match, syncing will continue uninterrupted

What happens if I change a Medallia Concierge field type for a field that’s already mapped in a live integration?

  • The import will succeed with no interruptions, but if the field type is invalid, that field value will be blank. Under the Integration Logs, the customer will also be able to view “Warnings”.

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