Having a big game day watch party? Want to promote upcoming fundraisers/events? Medallia Concierge can be an effective tool for getting your alumni involved!
Here is our recommended configuration on how to use Medallia Concierge to grow and promote your Alumni Association.
KEY INTERACTIONS to think about:
Welcoming existing Alumni.
Message all graduates to inform them of the Alumni membership to promote membership.
Inform Alumni of events and job opportunities.
Help drive Alumni donations or scholarships for the university.
TEMPLATES to create to quickly answer FAQs:
Membership costs
How to become a member?
What do I get as an Alumni Member?
SEGMENTS to setup to help target your communication:
Graduate Business Alumni (etc)
ZINGS to create to help automate your communication and processes:
Event reminders
Event promotion (career workshops, scholarships
Alumni signup drive
Want to see a step by step walkthrough of this and other Educational use cases? We've got you covered, check out the video section of our knowledge base for our in depth video tutorials.