For customers with multiple Medallia Concierge services, Rollup Analytics can be configured so that Administrators have access to see reporting on all services they have access to in one place.
Once enabled, the dashboard can be accessed by navigating to Analytics and selecting All Services.
Medallia Concierge allows you to create Collection Fields with which you can filter accounts however you wish. In this instance, we've created the following groupings:
PRIVATE VS. NON-PRIVATE: Private, Non-Private or Semi-Private hotels
REGION: East, Central or West hotels
TYPE: Alumni/Stadium, Country or Business hotels
On the right hand side, individual services, channel and message direction can be toggled on and off.
View search results in the middle of the pane.
To inquire to about configuring Rollup Analytics for your service, speak to your Customer Success Manager or chat to our Support Team.