Analytics allow you to report on just about everything that happens in your Medallia Concierge service.
The following reports can be run with parameters set from the middle and right filter panes:
Message Volume: Track amount of inbound/outbound messages
Contacts Created: See trends in the creation of contacts
Unique Contact Engagement: Separate from Message Volume, unique contact engagement tracks the amount of each unique contact with which there's been at least one interaction e.g. 1,000 inbound/outbound messages with 100 contacts with yield 100 unique contact interactions
Team Performance Trends: See trends in the amount of conversations closed and messages sent over the interval selected
Team Performance Totals: Lump sum of average time for team to read the first incoming messages of a conversation, conversations closed and messages sent
Templates summary: Track how frequently each template was used over the interval selected
Zing summary: Track how frequently each zings was fired over the interval selected
Survey results - ratings: When a 1-5 rating survey Zing is set up, track the amount of responses by numerical value
Survey results - yes/no: Similarly, this report pulls number of responses by yes or no
CSAT Summary - A report displaying CSAT survey question results if they exist.
NPS Summary - A report displaying NPS survey question results if they exist.
Export Message Detail: This function exports every conversation for the interval selected to a CSV, similar to the export of a singular conversation but in bulk
Once the report you'd like to run is selected, set the parameters:
Date Range: Choose Past Week, Past 4 Weeks, Past 12 Weeks or set a custom range
Decrease or Increase "Granularity:" Select the intervals in which the report is displayed
Filters: Choose which channels you'd like included in the report and inbound vs outbound messages
Finally, once your report has been customized to your satisfaction, you can export to a CSV to save the results.