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Inbox Overview

A brief introduction to the Medallia Concierge Inbox

Updated over 2 years ago

Upon opening the inbox, you'll see conversations to the left in one of two states, Open or Closed with Blue or Red dots marking unread conversations.

  • Open: The default view, conversations in the Open column are actionable to users in the service. As a best practice, it is recommended that as you end conversations with contacts, you close them accordingly.

  • Closed: All recent conversations that have been closed can still be accessed by clicking over into the Closed tab. Outbound messages sent from the service, group messages and messages sent by Zings will also default to this column. For more information on how long conversation data is stored, click here.

Conversation Sorting

By default, all conversations are sorted by Newest, meaning that the most recently active conversations are displayed at the top of the list. You can also choose to sort by Oldest, meaning that the conversations that have been open for the longest without communication. Lastly, you can choose to sort by a custom date or date/time field, which will allow you to customize how you prioritize your customer conversations. Learn more

Select a conversation to expand the Conversation Detail and Contact Detail panes.


Starting at the bottom of the Conversation Detail page, we see that the reply box gives you the option to type a message and reply along with the following options:

  • Templates: select pre-loaded responses

  • Zings: manually trigger a Zing to fire

  • Attachments: Attach PNG, JPEG, GIF or VContact files, up to 4MB in size

  • Internal Note: Notate conversations with comments visible to other Medallia Concierge users without messaging the contact

  • Emojis: Personalize your message with emojis

  • Add a delay: Set messages to go out at a later time

  • Reply: Sends your message without closing the conversation

  • Reply + Close: Your response marks the end of the conversation and closes it

  • Close: Closes the conversation without replying

Moving to the top of the pane, you'll see three dots. When selected, a drop-down menu shows a series of functions.

  • Show detailed events: Shows every action that occurs within the dashboard, e.g. "User MMILNER Closed this conversation- 9:34 AM"

  • Mark Unread: Clicking into a conversation automatically marks the conversation as read, selecting Mark Unread reapplies the blue "unread" dot to the conversation

  • Export to CSV: Export all conversation history with a contact to an Excel (CSV) file


More information about the contact you're communicating with can be gathered from the Contact Detail Pane.

  • Title & Name: Fields for preferred title, first and last name

  • Channels: Add phone, email or any supported channel, explore the social and integration collections of our knowledge base to understand what more is possible

  • Block Inbound Messages: Restrict messages of a contact from coming in to your inbox

  • Block Outbound Messages: Restrict any of the messages sent from your service from going out to a contact

  • Events: Set appointments, reservations or events

  • Segments: Categories that contacts fall in and out of depending on the criteria set, in example above the contact is the FLR 5 segment due to the room number of 530 falling within the 500-599 range

  • Tags: Identifiers applied automatically by Zings or manually by users

  • Contact Fields: Custom fields that give information needed to communicate with contacts effectively

  • Notes: Add any additional notations in this area, visible to all users

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