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Zing Actions

An overview of all action steps available when creating a Zing

Updated over 2 years ago

This is an overview of the types of Actions and how to configure them. An Action is executed after a Trigger event occurs. Below are all supported Actions and how to set them up.

πŸ“ A quick note about Filters. You'll notice a filter option for each action. By default the filter is OFF, however, if set, the action will only be executed for Contacts that meet the specific filter criteria.

Ask for contact information and save response

Sends a question for the purpose of populating a contact custom field with the response. Typically used in a registration process.


  1. Select if the action will apply to all contacts or only those who meet certain conditions.

  2. Select the contact field that will be updated with the response, and enter the question that will be sent. ie. What is your First Name?

Ask Survey Question

Asks a question (rating or yes/no) and saves the response as a variable. Response can be used in reporting and as a condition for additional Zing actions.


  1. Select if the action will apply to all contacts or only those who meet certain conditions.

  2. Select the type of Survey which specifies the expected response type. Options include CSAT, Free Form, NPS, Number Rating, or Yes/No.

  3. Then enter the question that will be sent. ie. How was your experience?

Note: For NPS and CSAT survey question types, you'll have the option to enter some custom text that will be prepended directly to the NPS or CSAT question.

πŸ’‘ TIP: Make sure your question elicits a value that matches the survey type chosen. In other words, make sure your question corresponds to the survey type.

Send Message to Contact

Sends a message specifically to the contact that triggered the Zing.


  1. Select if the action will apply to all contacts or only those who meet certain conditions.

  2. Then enter the message body that will be sent to the contact, and specify if the action will take place immediately or with a delay.

Schedule Reminder Message to Contact

Sends a reminder message to a contact a relative time prior to a date/time value in the trigger.


  1. Select a relative time prior to a specific event field.

  2. Then enter the message body that will be sent to the contact, and specify if the action will take place immediately or with a delay.

πŸ“ Note: This action is only visible and available for use when the trigger is of a specific type that relates to an event, such as a Calendar Event change.

Send Message to Someone Other than Contact

Sends a text message to anyone (you define the number). This is often used as an alert or escalation action.


  1. Select if the action will apply to all contacts or only those who meet certain conditions.

  2. Enter the recipient(s) phone number that will receive the text message, then enter the message body that will be sent to that recipient(s). Multiple recipients should be separated by a comma.

  3. Then specify if the action will take place immediately or with a delay.

Assign Contact

Assigns a contact to a user or team, or removes a contact's assignment.


  1. Select if the action will apply to all contacts or only those who meet certain conditions.

  2. Select team or user to which the conversation will be assigned after the trigger has fired.

Ask Open Ended Question

Sends a question and saves any response as a variable. Response variables can then be used to conditionally send messages in subsequent actions or update the contact based on their response.


  1. Select if the action will apply to all contacts or only those who meet certain conditions.

  2. Then enter the question that will be sent to the contact.

πŸ“ NOTE: The contact's response to the question will be saved and can be used in subsequent actions or filters.

Send Email

Sends an email to specified recipient(s). Usually used in escalation automations.


  1. Select if the action will apply to all contacts or only those who meet certain conditions.

  2. Enter the recipient(s) email, and subject. Multiple recipients should be separated by a comma. Then enter the body of the email.

Apply Tag

Applies an existing tag to the contact.


  1. Select if the action will apply to all contacts or only those who meet certain conditions.

  2. Then select the tag that will be applied to the contact.

Remove Tag

Removes a tag.


  1. Select if the action will apply to all contacts or only those who meet certain conditions.

  2. Then select the tag that will be removed from the contact.

Mark Conversation as Read

Marks the conversation as read. Simply select if the action will apply to all contacts or only those who meet certain conditions


  1. Select if the action will apply to all contacts or only those who meet certain conditions.

  2. That's it! This action doesn't require any additional inputs, it will simply mark the conversation as "read".

Mark Conversation as Unread

Marks the conversation as unread.


  1. Select if the action will apply to all contacts or only those who meet certain conditions.

  2. That's it! This action doesn't require any additional inputs, it will simply mark the conversation as "unread".

Close Conversation

Closes the conversation.


  1. Select if the action will apply to all contacts or only those who meet certain conditions.

  2. That's it! This action doesn't require any additional inputs, it will simply close the conversation.

Delete Contact

Deletes the associated contact's record.


  1. Select if the action will apply to all contacts or only those who meet certain conditions.

  2. That's it! This action doesn't require any additional inputs, it will delete the associated contact when executed.

Remove Contact Field Value

Remove a field value from a contact.


  1. Select if the action will apply to all contacts or only those who meet certain conditions.

  2. Then select the custom field that will be removed from the contact.

Set Contact Field Value

Remove a field value from a contact.


  1. Select if the action will apply to all contacts or only those who meet certain conditions.

  2. Select the contact custom field that will be updated, then select the value or data that will be set

Delete scheduled messages

Deletes all scheduled messages for a specific contact.


  1. Select the source Zing that is scheduling the reminder messages.

πŸ“ NOTE: This action is only visible when an active Zing contains a Schedule reminder message action.

Forward to Service

Forwards the message to another Medallia Concierge service.


  1. Select if the action will apply to all contacts or only those who meet certain conditions.

  2. Enter the body of the message that will be forwarded, then select the Medallia Concierge service it will be forwarded to.

πŸ“ NOTE: The message can include an inbound message, contact custom fields, or user defined text to another service on your account, which you can enter with the icon underneath the message box.

Print to Printer

Sends a message to a Medallia Concierge printer.


  1. Select if the action will apply to all contacts or only those who meet certain conditions.

  2. Enter the body of the message that will be forwarded, then select the Medallia Concierge printer it will be forwarded to.

πŸ“ NOTE: The message can include an inbound message, contact custom fields, or user defined text to another service on your account, which you can enter with the icon underneath the message box.

Make Web Service Call

Makes a call to a web service.


  1. Define the web service URL, JSON response value, and request data.

HotSOS - Create Order

Creates an Order in HotSOS associated with the contact's room.


  1. Select if the action will apply to all contacts or only those who meet certain conditions.

  2. From the HotSOS Issue Type search bar, type out the type of work order that should be created as a result of the Zing's trigger being initiated.

  3. Specify any additional details that will appear in the body of the HotSOS work order. For example, use the Insert Contact Field feature to insert a guest's title + last name into the body - "{title} {last_name} is requesting towels."

HotSOS - Set DND

Sets the "Do Not Disturb" status of the room. With the value set to True, the contact will not receive cleanings from Housekeeping or assistance from Engineering. This action is best used as a part of a "Conserve and Earn" or "Go Green" program where guests can opt out of Housekeeping Service by texting in a keyword to Medallia Concierge.


  1. Select if the action will apply to all contacts or only those who meet certain conditions.

  2. Choose the value to be set by the Zing ("True" if the intention is to set Do Not Disturb on.)

HotSOS - Close Orders

Closes all HotSOS orders for a given issue type.


  1. Select if the action will apply to all contacts or only those who meet certain conditions.

  2. Choose the issue type for which all open work orders will be closed upon triggering of the Zing.

HotSOS - Set Room Service Status

Sets the service status of the daily housekeeping cleaning service. This is another way to set up a "Go Green" program, having guests' cleaning service set to "Service Refused" upon sending in the triggering Go Green keyword. By using the other service statuses, Zings can be created for Housekeeping to punch room statuses via text.


  1. Select if the action will apply to all contacts or only those who meet certain conditions.

  2. From the drop down menu, select the status to be set (Awaiting Service, VC, OC, Cleaning Started, DND, Refused or Stopped.)

Forward Phone Call

If a contact were to call the provisioned Medallia Concierge phone number, forward the call to a number of your choosing.


  1. Select if the action will apply to all contacts or only those who meet certain conditions.

  2. Insert the number to which the phone number will be forwarded.

Hang Up Phone Call

If a contact were to call the provisioned Medallia Concierge phone number, this action will hang up the call.


  1. Select if the action will apply to all contacts or only those who meet certain conditions.

Start Phone Call

This Zing action can be used an escalation measure. When used, Medallia Concierge will initiate a call to the number of your choosing and automatically read out the most message most recently received from the contact.


  1. Select if the action will apply to all contacts or only those who meet certain conditions.

  2. Input the phone number to receive the phone call and an extension if necessary.

Say Something in Phone Call

If a contact were to call the provisioned Medallia Concierge phone number, this Zing action allows you to have an automated voice say something in the call.


  1. Select if the action will apply to all contacts or only those who meet certain conditions.

  2. Choose the style of voice to read the message: Man, Woman or "Alice" (a Siri-sounding voice.)

  3. Input the message to be read to the contact.

Say and Wait for Touchtone in Phone Call

If a contact were to call the provisioned Medallia Concierge phone number, this Zing action allows you to create a phone tree. Start by presenting the options in this step and then use the "perform this action for everyone" to filter out the contact's selection in the Zing actions, such as "Forward Phone Call," that follow.


  1. Select if the action will apply to all contacts or only those who meet certain conditions.

  2. Choose the number of digits that will be input as a selection.

  3. Choose the key that will complete the request.

  4. Choose the style of voice to read the message: Man, Woman or "Alice" (a Siri-sounding voice.)

  5. Type the message to be read aloud to the caller.

Wait for Touchtone in Phone Call

If a contact were to call the provisioned Medallia Concierge phone number, waits for touch tone input. This is the same action as the one listed above but does not a message read aloud to the contact.


  1. Select if the action will apply to all contacts or only those who meet certain conditions.

  2. Choose the number of digits that will be input as a selection.

  3. Choose the key that will complete the request.

Block Outbound Messages

Blocks Medallia Concierge from sending any more messages to the contact's active channel. Read more on blocking channels here.


  1. Select if the action will apply to all contacts or only those who meet certain conditions.

Unblock Outbound Messages

Allows Medallia Concierge to send messages to the contact's active channel. Read more on blocking channels here.


  1. Select if the action will apply to all contacts or only those who meet certain conditions.

Quore - Create Service Request

Creates a Service Request in Quore (automatically generates for the contact's attached room number.)


  1. Select if the action will apply to all contacts or only those who meet certain conditions.

  2. From the Quore Service Request search bar, type out the type of request that should be created as a result of the Zing's trigger being initiated.

  3. Choose the time at which the request should be fulfilled.

  4. Specify any additional details that will appear in the body of the Quore service request. For example, use the Insert Contact Field feature to insert a guest's title + last name into the body - "{title} {last_name} is requesting a Pack N Play outside the room."

Quore - Create Work Order

Creates a Work Order in Quore (automatically generates for the contact's attached room number.)


  1. Select if the action will apply to all contacts or only those who meet certain conditions.

  2. From the Quore Work Order search bar, type out the type of request that should be created as a result of the Zing's trigger being initiated.

  3. Choose the time at which the request should be fulfilled.

  4. Specify any additional details that will appear in the body of the Quore service request. For example, use the Insert Contact Field feature to insert a guest's title + last name into the body - "{title} {last_name} is reporting damage in their room."

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