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Contact Import Log

This article describes how to use the contact import log to determine the success of imports from all sources, including PMS integrations.

Updated over 2 years ago

The Contact Import Log displays all attempted contact imports and their status from all contact import sources.

  1. Browse to Admin Settings > Logs

  2. By default, the time range selected is the past 15 minutes. Adjust the timeframe as desired using the date selector at the top.

3. The Contact Import Log will be displayed, assuming import attempts were made during the selected timeframe.

4. By default, the "ALL" tab will display all of the contact imports for the selected timeframe. To filter successes, click on the "SUCCESS" tab. To filter only warnings, click on the "WARNING" tab. To filter only failures, click on the "FAILURE" tab.

5. Let's review the columns

  • Result - This column will display the result of the attempted import. Options include Success, Warning, or Failure.

  • Info - When hovered, this column displays any information related to a warning or failure. If the result is successful, this column is blank.

  • Action - This column displays the action performed. Options include: created or updated.

  • Name - This column displays the name of the contact being imported (if available).

  • Phone Number - This column displays the phone number of the contact being imported (if available).

  • Email - This column displays the email of the contact being imported (if available).

  • Source - This column displays the source of the import.

  • Received at - This column displays the date and time the import was attempted.

  • Matched On - For updates only, this column displays the field that was used to "match" or lookup the existing contact.

  • Details - Although the log table contains several columns for reference when clicked, this column will open a modal and display the entire payload (all the data) that was sent as a part of the import. This is column is mostly used for troubleshooting.

Import Logic

Import logic differs slightly depending on whether contacts are being imported manually or from an automated source.

Manual importing

Which fields are required?
When manually importing, only one column of any kind is required for the contact to be created successfully.

How are failures handled?
For all manually imported contacts from a CSV file, if any mapped column in the row fails for any reason, the entire row will fail. The log and email will inform you of the specific errors and allow you to resolve them and re-upload.

How are creates vs. updates handled?
External ID, Phone Number, and Email can all be used to determine if a contact already exists. If an existing contact is found, the imported data is used to update the existing contact. If no External ID, Phone Number, or Email are found, the contact is created.

Auto importing from an integration

Which fields are required?
At least one of the following fields are required in order for the contact to be created: External ID, Phone Number, or Email.

How are failures handled?
For all automatic imported contacts from an integration, if a specific column in the row fails for any reason, the contact will still be created but the row will show in the log and email as "warning".

How are creates vs. updates handled?
External ID, Phone Number, and Email can all be used to determine if a contact already exists. If an existing contact is found, the imported data is used to update the existing contact. If no External ID, Phone Number, or Email are found, the contact is created.

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