With this integration, restaurants using Medallia Concierge can send automated messages for the following events:
Order Placed
Order Adjusted
Order Cancelled
Order Closed
How to Get Started
To get started, there is a one-time configuration on the brand-level that the Olo CSM team and our Implementations team will need to set up together.
Once a customer has expressed interest in Olo, we should begin the following process:
Olo specifies that all Medallia Concierge-Olo integration requests come directly from their brand contacts. Medallia Concierge CSMs should have the customer reach out to their Olo CSMs and request the Medallia Concierge-Olo integration.
Once contact is made with Olo CSMs, loop in Product (Julia Matsuoka) and Implementations Manager (Josh Robinette)
Olo will need the following information from Medallia Concierge:
- Endpoint: https://services.zingle.me/olo/webhook
- Webhooks:
Order Placed
Order Adjusted
Order Cancelled
Order ClosedIt will be good to note that Medallia Concierge is already covered under an existing MNDA with Medallia. Also note that each new brand will need to sign an Olo data transfer waiver (this will be provided by the Olo CSM).
The Olo development support team will then send us a "Webhook Shared Secret." "Webhook Shared Secrets" will be different for each brand on Medallia Concierge.
Once we've received the Webhook Shared Secret and Store ID (provided by the customer), go to Admin Settings > Integrations > Olo Integrations and enter the information, then save and activate.
If needed, we can ask for access to the customer's Olo sandbox environment for testing purposes first (note: this will be a different Webhook Shared Secret, so we will need to update it for production use)