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Weekly Performance Email

This article describes how to receive the weekly performance email and details about the statistics.

Updated over 2 years ago

📌 Note: This article outlines the new Weekly Performance Email. Starting on July 15, 2019 this new email will replace the existing weekly performance email.

📢 Got feedback? Help us improve this report by sharing your feedback

What is the Weekly Performance Email?

The Weekly Performance & Benchmarking email is intended to provide Service Administrators and other Managers a weekly performance summary and trend analysis. By having performance analytics delivered to your inbox each week, the goal is to prompt action based on trends and then watch your improvement over time!

Sample Email (benchmarking section for Hospitality only)

Who receives the email?

By default, all Administrators will receive the email because they will be automatically added to the recipient list in Admin Settings > General Settings. Also, additional email addresses of users or non-users can be added to the recipient list. On Monday at 6 am according to the service time zone, an email will be sent to each recipient in the recipient list.

Email Sections

There are two sections in the email. All active customers will receive the Summary section, but only Medallia Concierge Hospitality customers will receive the additional Benchmarking section.

Note: In order to receive the benchmarking section of the email, the following criteria must be met.

  1. Must be a Medallia Concierge Hospitality customer.

  2. Medallia Concierge must have your Hotel Room count and property State/Province (geo).

  3. Your Service must have at least 10 conversations within the past week to receive this version of the report. With less than 10 conversations, we assume your service isn't actively being used.

Summary Section

The report focuses on Conversations, Median First Response, and Median Resolution over the past week vs. the week prior.

The summary section shows these metrics and the percent change (up/down) from the previous week vs. last week. Additionally, the most active user is displayed. The most active user is the user from the previous week that participated in the most conversations (sent at least one reply)

Benchmarking Section (Hospitality only)

The benchmarking section will only appear for Medallia Concierge Hospitality customers (see criteria above). The benchmarking section has a sub-section for each of the three main metrics (Conversations, Response Time, and Resolution Time).

Each sub-section will display your specific percentile rank relative to other hotel properties of similar room count. You can also see your overall rank position movement from the previous week vs. last week.

All hotel properties are grouped based on the following room counts:
< 200 (group 1)
Between 200 and 399 (group 2)
Between 400 and 699 (group 3)
>= 700 (group 4)

Your room count will be displayed in the Benchmarking header section. If your room count is incorrect, please contact your Success Manager so it can be updated.

In the example above, with 845 conversations last week, Hotel California is in the 87% percentile based on Conversation volume for all hotels in the 200-399 hotel room category. Hotel California is up 8 spots from the previous week and the leaderboard and chart both show how Hotel California compares to the top 3 performers in their group.


Recipients can unsubscribe by either:

  1. Removing themselves from the recipient list in Admin Settings > General Settings.

  2. Clicking the unsubscribe link in the footer of the email— doing this will automatically remove the recipient from the recipient list in Admin Settings > General Settings.

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